77% of internet users read Blogs regularly
A blog which is short for Web Log is an informative website where a writer or group of writers provide information on a subject through a series of posts. For marketing, a Blog provides content developed for the wants and needs of your audience or customers. For example, a Blog could provide advice, expert tips, or answer questions the customers frequently ask. Blogs are relatively easy to start and provide a low cost tool for marketing. |
Step 1 - The first step is to pick your editor and hosting service. WordPress with Bluehost is an affordable and easy to use option for Blogs and Websites. Start your blog or website here. I like to give this recommendation so others do not make the same mistake I made using different free options that do not have the capabilities and plug-ins you may need in the future. No matter where you want to take your blog or website, WordPress with Bluehost has optimized performance and quality you can depend on as you develop your site. |
Step 2 - Pick your Domain Name, Bluehost offers Free domain names. They make it easy to get started by taking you through each step. See visuals of these steps below.
Step 3 - Pick your package. It's only $3.95/month for the basic package which is probably all you need to get started.
Step 4 - Set up your account and payment information
Step 5 - Review your package information and set up your password
Step 6 - You will get this message below saying your account is ready to go. You can then log into your new account.
Step 7 - Now you get to start designing your site. They make it very easy for you by providing templates and ideas to get started. In this step you will answer a series of questions to help give you the best structure to get started. Then pick a specific template to match the needs of your site. Don't worry, you can always change these options.
Lots of Templates to Choose From
Step 8 - Your site is now ready to go! Check your website address/domain name. This will say Coming Soon, until you publish your website, giving you time to set up your site without the public seeing it.
This is by far the easiest and most affordable way to get started with Blogging or a Website. You will have a ton of flexibility in the future to turn your site into whatever you want it to be. I recommend WordPress and Bluehost so much that I have my own affiliate link. Use the links provided as I am offered deals and pass along the saving to you. Meanwhile, I will be busy copying and pasting my site info into my Wordpress Site. I had to learn the long way.