Often we marketers are overwhelmed with new ideas and strategies. Our minds are hard to slow down as information is consistently flashed in front of us. When it comes to content marketing the same is true. So many steps, templates, and strategies it can be difficult to figure out where to start, even when the answer could be simple. Take it from me as someone who has taken certification after certification and used template after template to develop content. The answer comes from looking at SOLUTIONS. Content is created to solve a problem for a customer. For those customers who are researching what their challenges are and those that are already using your product/service as a solution. Content is creating knowledge about the solution you are providing. Notice I said Solution not a product or service. The one thing you need to know about content marketing is to focus on the solution to customers problems. Break out of the current mold concentrating on a product our service and instead talk about the solution the product/service provides. Answer these questions and think of content that could support your answers. What is the customer doing when they first show symptoms of a problem? What is the customer doing when they first show signs of evaluating alternatives? What is the customer doing when they have defined their solution? It's Not About the What its About the Why!
Deval Sheth
10/27/2018 12:54:07 pm
This post is a nice way of looking at things. I agree that solutions are very important. They are bringing an end result to a customer. Customers sharing on social media platforms about the benefits a product or service gives is powerful. Whether it brings fun, love, convenience, or other things is a value to the customer. If a product or service doesn't bring positive solutions then the business might suffer. So content about the solution or value is a good point of focus in social media marketing. Of course people need to know about your service or product too until you build your brand name, but how you are separated by other similar businesses is your impact on consumers.
Jackie Todd
10/28/2018 03:02:27 pm
This blog post is absolutely relevant. Solving a problem is a great perspective when forming a marketing strategy. Exemplifying or magnifying a supposed “problem” in an advertisement and offing a solution in the same advertisement is highly effective.
prince bizongwako
10/29/2018 03:28:57 pm
The blog post is very profound and understandable. Client experience is very important special in the marketing field. therefore when customers have problems their main focus on buying a product is to get a solution for their problem. i do agree that solution are the outmost important to customers. so when you advertise a product that gives solution it's important to strategies your content.
Katelyn Foley
10/31/2018 01:29:29 pm
This blog post displays a great way of looking at what makes good content marketing. I really like the idea of using the word solution rather that product or service. Focusing on the customer and how you can find a solution for them is very important in content marketing. I think this approach is very important now more than ever in this time of marketing, especially with social media marketing. Customers don't want to be sold and item or a service, they want a solution to their problems.
11/1/2018 12:30:55 pm
I agree that sometimes thinking of the solution can be lost in considering product and or services. I myself do like stages, it allows you to consider if I take this step it should provide me with solution to my problem. Stages is also providing with a timeline of when you can obtain the correct content and strategy for marketing. It makes a lot of sense to be more than talk or a product but to have a complete content to who you are a business is crucial, this allow for relationship to be built and a network that can stand behind the service or product but also be willing to enjoy time and time again. For more than what they consumer can buy.
Sara Arafat
11/2/2018 07:50:42 am
I completely agree with that. When people want to buy a product or use a service it is usually to fill a need. They buy something because they need it which is the answer to why. To get the customer to engage, answering their question of why is a great strategy because sometimes the answer is something they're not expecting. By that i'm talking about advertising a product or a service to someone that didn't know they wanted/needed it, so it's like answering their question before they even ask it. A good ad for a product should be memorable to the point where it makes the person who didn't even want something in the first place remember the product or service and increase their desire to have it. A customer may already have an answer to "Why" but sometimes the customer doesn't know that there are other options other than whatever they are used to. Which is basically providing solutions and answers to the customers
Megan Cooper
11/3/2018 08:06:43 am
Reading this post about presenting solutions through content marketing gave me a new perspective on how to utilize social media. Because I have to run the social media accounts for the store I manage, it can be hard to find new ways to present our products. I often feel pressured to come up with new ideas, and they can be hits or misses.
Andrea Freeman
11/3/2018 10:45:52 am
You made an absolutely good point. The one thing I have been wondering about since I started taking this class is: what is the true purpose of social media? For a person who thought social media was just a fun media for expression versus a way to advertise. As I read your post, I thought about my daughter. She is a personal trainer. She posts on Instagram. What is missing in her content, is the solution. Why should I train with you. The solution to your problem should not just centered on pictures of her exercising or showing her muscles and perfect body. Looking at the perfect body may be a turn-off. When individuals start to realize there is a problem, your social media content should center on what can you provide for them whether it is education, or nutrition, or exercise. The next question is why should they pick you over someone else. Testimonials may be a big help. What drew me to my Yoga instructor was how fun she made it and people posted this on her Instagram, facebook and website.
Robert Moore
11/4/2018 07:14:04 am
I agree with you that it can be a little overwhelming when trying to do content marketing because there are just so many options and ways to go about it. A customer when showing symptoms of a problem is probably expressing the problem without being aware of a solution, potentially posting online or just word of mouth. When I am evaluating alternative solutions to my problems I always weigh the cost of the solution to the quality that will satisfy the problem effectively, in other words sometimes you it is better to not get the highest quality if it is cheaper but if I want something to last then I will get a higher quality product. Once the solutution has been defined then it is all about getting the solution in the most efficiant way whether it be buying online or going to a store.
Kevin Hunter
11/4/2018 11:07:11 am
I definitely agree that finding solutions to problems should be the focus of any good social media campaign. For instance, in my industry which is home remodeling and repair, the customer is concerned with getting things fixed or upgraded with as little drama as possible and getting value for their money in the form of excellent craftsmanship. Also, I believe that it is easy to get overwhelmed with options when it comes to marketing and content. Picking a handful of effective content techniques and utilizing them fully is better than trying to use every technique but not being effective at any of them. If I can provide content that is geared toward solving my customer’s problems, I will be able to win new customers and keep the ones I have.
Tyler DiSiena
11/4/2018 05:07:22 pm
Yes, this type of marketing strategy makes sense and I absolutely agree with this blog post. I think many marketers overlook this simple mindset when creating content. If the customer can find the solution to their problem through one's marketing, I would think the customer would be more inclined to use that product or service. When I think of great content that I’ve seen in the past, the content is always, solution first, product/service second.
11/4/2018 06:01:24 pm
I do agree with this blog post. As a business owner trying to find ways to solve my clients problems and to better their experience when working with me can be hard and over whelming. I try and find a solution that fits all my needs, but not every solution has everything I need. Only a few of each in each platform. As a wedding planner I am part of some wedding planner facebook groups and a common question I find planners asking is whats the best platform for "this, this and that" Finding a solution does make sense because as business owners we need to look for a platform that is going to fix the problems our customers have. It is hard sometimes because we all keep trying new things but if something seems to fix the problems than that must be what we needed. Everything cant be perfect when running a business, but as business owners we try to get very close. We want our customers to have the best experience they can.
Stephanie Ost
11/4/2018 06:30:13 pm
I agree that you need to look at the solutions, in order to build content. Customers are looking for something specific when they are buying a product and if there are issues this could jepordize the prodcuts reputation. If a customer reaches out with a problem and no solution is offered, the consumer can leave negative reviews or share their negative feedback. By looking at the solution first, this helps develop a response and overall product feedback from the source. It also strengthens the product and allows for further development. It also shows that the company takes feedback and their customers seriously by giving solutions.
Portia Sharp
11/4/2018 06:40:05 pm
After reading this I realize that I do a lot of social media marketing and networking and I always offer my services in many different ways. I post houses that I have on the market and fun real estate facts. However, I believe that this blog post is very accurate in stating that I need to offer a solution. Everybody needs a place to live and people may enjoy looking at my post but how am I showing them that I am here to help rather than selling myself. I am going to look into different pain points and ways to offer a solution to my followers.
Muhammad Hamideh
11/4/2018 06:48:45 pm
I definitely agree with this marketing tactic. I think if one wants to successful sell their product or service, a problem needs to be mentioned and a solution for the problem needs to be the product or service. For example, Instagram is flooded with advertisements, and the ones that catch my eyes are the ones that ask if I'm having a problem initially, and then quickly brings up their solution.
zarita williams
11/5/2018 02:48:59 am
Comment on the Blog site about the post. Do you agree? Why or why not. Does it make sense? Why or Why not.
Tomaniqua Whitner
11/8/2018 05:20:24 am
While reading this post, a lot of valid points were made, which were very agreeable. This is a very interesting way of looking at things and this has in turn changed my perspective on the way I see it. its not just offering my goods or services, it more so offering a aide to someone else's problem. shining the spotlight on the question 'How can I help you with your needs,' while offering a solution to that question within a marketing strategy is a great approach to use in content marketing.
Miranda Kimble
11/10/2018 10:06:22 am
I agree with the blog post. Finding the solution to a problem is the most important step in satisfying your customers. Using social media as a tool to promote your business and show potential customers how you can make their lives easier is a great strategy to gain new clientele. Sharing your product on a social media outlet will grow your business. Sometimes you have to show people that they have a problem or a disadvantage that they don't even notice. Bringing it to their attention will intrigue them to find out more about your product.
Megan Murphy
11/27/2018 09:08:18 am
I agree with the point of this blog, I think that there is so much bombardment of information coming at us not just as marketers but also as customers, it's hard to figure out what YOU want as a customer or as this blog said, what your customers even want as a marketer. Theres so many options and choices that being original and being yourself is truly a difficult task, when it should be the easiest.
10/31/2022 12:15:03 am
Such a Wonderful Information In This Blog Thanks For Sharing This
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